Job Application: Specialist Intensivist, Critical Care – Te Whatu Ora, Te Tai Tokerau New Zealand (MD24-005)

Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau has established a set of values by which the organisation will respond, in part, to achieving its goals and objectives through their workforce. The following Values are expected behaviours of each individual employed with Te Tai Tokerau:

Values Supporting Statement
People First
Tangata i the tuatahi
People are central to all we do
Whakaute (tuku mana)
We treat others as we would like to be treated
We nurture those around us, and treat all with dignity and compassion
Whakawhitiwhiti korero
We communicate safely, openly and with respect to promote clear understanding
Taumata teitei (hirangi)
Our attitude of excellence inspires success, competence, confidence and innovation

The completion of this form does not indicate there is an obligation on Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau to engage the applicant. This information is collected for the purpose of assessing your suitability for employment at Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau, which may include subsequent changes in your employment with Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Please note, if short-listed for an interview, evidence of entitlement to work in New Zealand will be required from both New Zealand citizens and non-New Zealanders in accordance with the Immigration Act (2009).

Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau has a responsibility to minimise the risk of harm to patients, clients and staff from preventable diseases. Potential new employees are subject to occupational health clearance, which includes being able to prove or obtain immunity from preventable diseases. Any offer of employment will be subject to satisfactory occupational health clearance.

Personal Details
Title *
Given Name(s) *
Surname *
Address *
Address (Line 2)
Post Code
Home Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Mobile Number
Email Address *

Personal Information
Do you have New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency?
Do you currently work for Te Whatu Ora, Health NZ other than Te Tai Tokerau, Northland District Health Board? *
*Have you previously worked for Te Tai Tokerau, Northland District Health Board, Northland Health Ltd, Northland Area Health Board or the Northland Hospital Board?*

For statistical reporting purposes we are asking you to answer the following question. This information is NOT used in the evaluation of your application, it is for statistical purposes only.

Please would you state which ethnic group you best identify with? (You must answer this question but you may choose not to reveal your ethnicity if you wish)
Note: An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common language, ancestral, social, cultural, or national experiences.
What is your ethnicity? *
Have you lived in any country other than New Zealand for more than 12 months in the last 5 years?

Have you ever been convicted in court for an offence? *
Note: All successful candidates will be required to undergo New Zealand Police clearance.
This clearance is subject to the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 and may be subject to the exception contained in section 19(3)(e) of the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004.

Are you awaiting court charges? (Including Driving or Traffic Convicitions) *
Do you have a current full NZ Driving Licence? *

Professional Qualifications : Doctor/Medical Officer/Specialist
Are you registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand*
Do you have a current Practicing Certificate?*

Are there any limitations or pending charges to your scope of practice?*
Are you currently enrolled in a New Zealand Vocational Training Programme?*

Have you ever had a complaint lodged with a previous or current registering body or any other statutory agency (e.g. Health & Disability Commissioner or Privacy Commissioner) with regard to your practice?*

Are you currently under investigation by a previous or current registering body or any other statutory agency (e.g. Health & Disability Commissioner or Privacy Commissioner)?*
Education Qualifications
Year of Completion

Current Employer
Position Held
Reason for leaving

Previous Employment
Position Held
Reason for leaving

Other Relevant Details
Do you speak / write any language other than English, which could help you in your job?*
List any other voluntary or unpaid work that may be relevant to the position you are applying for

Do you have any relatives, members of your household or friends already employed by Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau with whom you may be working in close association with if you are appointed to the position applied for? *

Have you had any injury or medical condition caused by gradual process, disease or infection (for example, hearing loss, sensitivity to chemicals, occupational overuse syndrome (repetitive strain injury), or back injuries) that may be aggravated or further contributed to by the tasks of this job, or which may otherwise affect your ability to carry out the duties you will be required to perform?*

Have you undergone/are you undergoing any internal or external disciplinary proceedings, investigations or complaints? By answering ‘Yes” to this question, you may not be disqualified from proceeding through the recruitment process, but you may be asked for further details during the recruitment process.?*

Is there any other information or facts which will be relevant to the organisation's decision whether to employ you?*

Send me an email to confirm that this application has been submitted*

Where did you see this position advertised? *

Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter
Please attach your most up to date Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter to support your application.
(Each attachment can be a maximum size of 2MB)

Curriculum Vitae*
Cover letter (Optional)

Please note that your application will not be able to be submitted prior to including the attachments.

Do you consent to the disclosure to Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau of whether you have been subject to a serious misconduct investigation, either concluded and upheld or currently under investigation, from all previous Public Service and statutory Crown entity employers for the last three years? Should you be selected as the preferred candidate, your response will be checked with your previous employer(s) at that stage. We will not conduct this check prior to you being selected as the preferred candidate.*
 Yes, I consent  
 No, I do not consent
 I would like to discuss this before it is undertaken
It is Te Tai Tokerau’s practice for applicants who are unsuccessful for the position applied for to be considered for other vacancies with the organisation (excluding internal applicants). If you do no wish to be this to occur, please email
  I consent to Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau seeking verbal or written information on a confidential basis about me from representatives of my previous/current employers and or referees, and authorise the information sought to be released by them to Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau for the purposes of ascertaining my suitability for the position I am applying for.*

Senior Medical Officers: Please note, three references are required and at least two should be within the past two years and from the same scope of practice*
Resident Medical Officers: Please note references should be from present or previous employers in a supervisory role within the last year*





I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers provided in this application form and any other information provided to Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau in support of my application is correct and I understand that if any false or deliberate misleading information is given, or any material suppressed, I will not be accepted, or if I am employed, my employment may be terminated. I also understand that any false information given in relation to my medical history with regard to gradual process, disease or infection can result in my loss of entitlement to any accident compensation.*

The agent declares that to the best of his/her knowledge the answers provided in this application form and any other information provided to Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau in support of Candidate's application is correct and understand that if any false or deliberate misleading information is given, or any material suppressed, the candidate will not be accepted, or if employed, his/her employment may be terminated. It is also understood that any false information given in relation to medical history with regard to gradual process, disease or infection can result in loss of entitlement to any accident compensation.*
Furthermore, it is understood that the agency has received the Candidate's prior approval to interact on his/her behalf. The forwarding of this application is not considered an Introduction of the Candidate and should the Candidate progress in the recruitment process the Terms of Business will be forwarded to the agency by Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau.

Applications are specific to the district and do not apply to any other district.

Should the agency introduce any Candidate that is already registered on the district's database then no fees shall be due. Representation is on a "first submitted" process. This includes where the Candidate has independently submitted themselves for consideration.
Data Retention Declaration

The information that you provide to Te Tai Tokerau is used for recruitment purposes. Te Whatu Ora Te Tai Tokerau staff involved in the recruitment process will be given access to this information.

Data retention
We keep your information for the time period required to complete the purposes for which it is processed or satisfy legal retention requirements. The length of time for which we retain information depends on the purposes for which we collected and use it or the requirements of the applicable laws. If our processing of your data is covered by European data protection law (GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation), you have certain rights including:

  • You can request access and review information your information at any time
  • You have a right to correct your personal data
  • You can ask that we stop using your information
  • You have the right to request that your information is erased
  • You have the right to withdraw consent

We undertake to keep your information safe to the best of our ability by maintaining the integrity/security of systems on which your data is kept. If you have any questions about our dealings regarding your Personal Information including any breaches by us of any privacy laws or any questions regarding this Privacy Statement you are able to submit that complaint or query by contacting us at

Any complaints received by us will be referred to Human Resources and a response will be provided to you as soon as possible.

For more information about privacy issues in New Zealand and protecting your privacy, visit the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner's website.

By my Accepting below, I certify that I have read, fully understand and accept all terms of the foregoing statement.
